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Profiles API overview

Before you begin

Check out our general API overview to make sure you’re ready to get started with specific endpoints.

You can use our Profiles API to create unique experiences based on profile data. A profile represents a person’s contact stored in your Klaviyo account. There are two types of profiles captured in Klaviyo which can be accessed via the Profiles API:

  • Active profiles

    Profiles that can be messaged via email or SMS. For example, a profile that has subscribed to marketing updates via sign-up form.

  • Suppressed profiles

    Profiles that cannot receive emails, even if they have provided consent. Learn more about suppressed email profiles.


Active profiles also include profiles representing customers who have not opted-in to marketing updates - for example, a profile that has provided an email for order confirmation and tracking purposes. Learn about collecting consent and best practices.

Use cases


To delete profiles, use Klaviyo's Data Privacy API.

Here are some example use cases supported by the Profiles API:

  • Create a profile with a set of profile attributes, and if it already exists, update the existing profile.
  • Add custom fields to profiles that can be used for segmentation, flows, and template personalization.
  • Retrieve profile data, consent status, and predictive analytics.
  • Subscribe/unsubscribe profiles to email and/or SMS marketing.
  • Suppress/unsuppress profiles for email marketing.


Check out our YouTube tutorial on subscribing profiles to email and SMS with the Profiles API.

Data model

Profile identifiers

Profile identifiers are important for fetching profiles and merging shared data associated with a profile. A profile must have at least 1 profile identifier:

  • email(recommended for use as the primary identifier)

    The profile’s valid email address (must be <= 100 characters). We recommend using regex for email validation.

  • phone_number

    The profile’s phone number (a valid E.164 number, e.g., +15005550006).


    Phone numbers must be in E.164 format

    We recommend using a library like libphonenumber to ensure numbers are valid and properly formatted prior to sending.

  • external_id

    A unique identifier to associate Klaviyo profiles with profiles in an external system. Usually set via integrations or API.


    external_id is not involved in profile merging, so its use can lead to duplicate profiles. This identifier should only be used if you are aware of its impact on profile duplication.

Additional attributes

A profile can contain additional personal information, including:

  • first_name and last_name

    The profile’s first and last names.

  • organization and title

    The profile’s organization and their job title.

  • image

    The profile image’s URL.

  • locale

    The locale of the profile, in the IETF BCP 47 language tag format ISO 639-1/2)-(ISO 3166 alpha-2 e.g., en-US.

  • location

    An object containing location-related information.

    • address1 and address2

      First and second lines of the profile’s street address.

    • city, country, region, and zip

      Fields for the profile’s city, country, region (e.g., state), and zip code.

    • latitude and longitude

      The profile’s latitude and longitude coordinates.

    • timezone

      The profile’s timezone name. Names from the IANA Time Zone Database are recommended.

    • ip

      The profile’s IP address.

A profile also has a properties object for storing custom properties, such as a birthday field collected via form to use in a date property-triggered flow.

Setting the locale property

We have expanded support for the $locale property and added $locale, $locale_language, and $locale_country to the profile properties reference.

Klaviyo generates $locale_language and $locale_country on a profile by default. The $locale property can be updated with the Update Profile endpoint. When setting this property via API, use the IETF BCP 47 language tag format ISO 639-1/2)-(ISO 3166 alpha-2. For example, en-US includes the language subtag for English and the region subtag for United States.

The locale property can be updated from a variety of sources, such as from a custom integration.

Additional fields

When you make a Get Profile(s) request, there are additional fields that are not returned by default in the response. You might want to access subscription data to filter out profiles that have been suppressed for a particular reason and/or from a specific list. Use additional fields as a query parameter if you’d like to retrieve subscription data and/or predictive analytics that can help you monitor your business’s performance.

Subscription data

It’s best practice to collect consent from profiles to subscribe them to email and SMS marketing (e.g., via sign-up forms). When subscriptions-related data is collected (such as consent or list suppressions) it is stored in a profile’s subscriptions object. You must use ?additional-fields[profile]=subscriptions as a query parameter to include this data in your response.


You cannot subscribe a profile and edit custom properties with one API request. If you would like to subscribe a profile and modify the profile's properties, you need to first subscribe the profile with Subscribe Profiles. Then, make a subsequent call to update custom profile properties if desired.

The subscriptions object should look like the example object shown below:

"subscriptions": { "email": { "marketing": { "can_receive_email_marketing": true, "consent": "SUBSCRIBED", "consent_timestamp": "2023-02-21T20:07:38+00:00", "last_updated": "2023-02-21T20:07:38+00:00", "method": "PREFERENCE_PAGE", "method_detail": "mydomain.com/signup", "custom_method_detail": "marketing drive", "double_optin": "True", "suppression": [ { "reason": "HARD_BOUNCE", "timestamp": "2023-02-21T20:07:38+00:00" } ], "list_suppressions": [ { "list_id": "Y6nRLr", "reason": "USER_SUPPRESSED", "timestamp": "2023-02-21T20:07:38+00:00" } ] } }, "sms": { "marketing": { "can_receive_sms_marketing": true, "consent": "SUBSCRIBED", "consent_timestamp": "2023-02-21T20:07:38+00:00", "method": "TEXT", "method_detail": "JOIN", "last_updated": "2023-02-21T20:07:38+00:00" } } },

Note that the subscriptions object contains email and sms objects, for email and sms marketing data respectively. In addition to consent information, the email object includes suppression-related data with reasons for suppression, timestamps, and any lists a profile may be suppressed from.


When subscribing a profile to SMS while age-gating is enabled, age_gated_date_of_birth is a required field. If this field is not included or the DOB provided does not meet the region's requirements, the call returns a 400 error.

In the following example request to Get Profiles, the subscriptions object is included as an additional field. This object is useful for fetching suppression data, such as the exact time (within a given timeframe) a list or overall marketing suppression took place (see Available subscriptions filters):

curl --get 'https://a.klaviyo.com/api/profiles/' \ --data-urlencode 'additional-fields[profile]=subscriptions' \ --header 'Authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key your-private-api-key' \ --header 'revision: 2023-12-15'

Fetching suppressed profiles

You may want to retrieve profiles that have recently been suppressed from marketing. To fetch suppressed profiles, your request to Get Profiles should look a little like the request below:

curl --get 'https://a.klaviyo.com/api/profiles/' \ --data-urlencode 'additional-fields[profile]=subscriptions' \ --data-urlencode 'filter=greater-than(subscriptions.email.marketing.suppression.timestamp,2023-12-05T00:00:00Z)' \ --header 'Authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key your-private-api-key' \ --header 'revision: 2023-12-15'


You do not need to include the subscriptions object in your response to filter profiles by suppression fields.

Fetching suppressed profiles from a list

The following Get Profiles request fetches any profiles who were recently suppressed from a specific list:

curl --get 'https://a.klaviyo.com/api/profiles/' \ --data-urlencode 'additional-fields[profile]=subscriptions' \ --data-urlencode 'filter=and(equals(subscriptions.email.marketing.list_suppressions.list_id,"LIST_ID"),greater-than(subscriptions.email.marketing.list_suppressions.timestamp,2023-12-05T00:00:00Z))' \ --header 'Authorization: Klaviyo-API-Key your-private-api-key' \ --header 'revision: 2023-12-15'

Suppression data filters

You can apply the following filters to fetch profiles by suppression data including suppression reason, timestamp, and list ID. For example, you can fetch excluded profiles by list suppression and time of suppression with the following query:

Filter descriptionFilter structureAvailable filtersExample
Get excluded profiles by timestamp of suppressionsubscriptions.email.marketing.suppression.timestamp
  • greater-than
  • greater-or-equal
  • less-than
  • less-or-equal
Get excluded profiles by suppression reasonsubscriptions.email.marketing.suppression.reasonequals?filter=equals(subscriptions.email.marketing.suppression.reason,"UNSUBSCRIBE")

Get excluded profiles by timestamp of list suppressionsubscriptions.email.marketing.list_suppressions.timestamp
  • greater-than
  • greater-or-equal
  • less-than
  • less-or-equal
Get excluded profiles by list suppression reasonsubscriptions.email.marketing.list_suppressions.reason equals?filter=equals(subscriptions.email.marketing.list_suppressions.reason,"UNSUBSCRIBE")

Get excluded profiles by list IDsubscriptions.email.marketing.list_suppressions.list_idequals?filter=greater-or-equal(subscriptions.email.marketing.list_suppressions.list_id,"LIST_ID")

Predictive analytics

You can also retrieve predictive analytics with the additional fields query parameter (?additional-fields[profile]=predictive_analytics). Note that there are some conditions your account must meet in order for predictive analytics to be calculated. If your account is eligible for predictive analytics, the above query should return a predictive_analytics object like the example object below:

"predictive_analytics": { “historic_clv”: 93.87, “predicted_clv”: 27.24, “total_clv”: 121.11, “historic_number_of_orders”: 2, “predicted_number_of_orders”: 0.54, “average_days_between_orders”: 189, “average_order_value”: 46.94, “churn_probability”: 0.89, “expected_date_of_next_order”: "2022-11-08T00:00:00" }

Create Profile


Check out our YouTube tutorial on creating and updating Klaviyo profiles via API.

To create a profile, you’ll need at least one profile identifier. Your request payload for Create Profile should be formatted like the example below:

{ "data": { "type": "profile", "attributes": { "email": "sarah.mason@klaviyo-demo.com", "first_name": "Sarah", "last_name": "Mason" }, "properties": { "birthday": "1989-12-13T00:00:00Z" } } }


When creating a profile, note that if you use a phone number as a profile identifier and you haven’t set up SMS in your Klaviyo account, you’ll need to include at least one other identifier (email or external_id) for the API call to work.

Bulk Import Profiles API

Our Profiles API has support for creating and updating profiles via Bulk Import Profiles. To learn more, see our Bulk Import Profiles API guide.

Get Profile(s)


Check out our YouTube tutorial on retrieving and filtering customer profile data with the Get Profiles API.

When making a Get Profile or Get Profiles request, here’s an example of how a profile should look in your response:

{ "type": "profile", "id": "01H260JDT1NJVY1EF61ET64Z7F", "attributes": { "email": "henry.downing@klaviyo-demo.com", "first_name": "Henry", "last_name": "Downing", "created": "2023-06-05T14:49:54+00:00", "updated": "2023-07-17T14:36:25+00:00", "last_event_date": "2023-06-05T14:49:56+00:00", "location": { "address1": "225 Franklin St", "address2": "6th floor", "city": "Boston", ... }, "properties": { "FavoriteColors": ["blue","yellow"], ... } }, "relationships": { "lists": { "links": { "self": "https://a.klaviyo.com/api/profiles/01H260JDT1NJVY1EF61ET64Z7F/relationships/lists/", "related": "https://a.klaviyo.com/api/profiles/01H260JDT1NJVY1EF61ET64Z7F/lists/" } }, "segments": { "links": { "self": "https://a.klaviyo.com/api/profiles/01H260JDT1NJVY1EF61ET64Z7F/relationships/segments/", "related": "https://a.klaviyo.com/api/profiles/01H260JDT1NJVY1EF61ET64Z7F/segments/" } } }, "links": { "self": "https://a.klaviyo.com/api/profiles/01H260JDT1NJVY1EF61ET64Z7F/" } },

Note that the updated field represents the last time any profile property has been changed, including changes to a profile's timestamps like last_event_date (a timestamp representing when a profile was last active).

Querying profiles

Querying profiles with the Profiles API is useful for monitoring valuable information like the time a profile has last been updated, collected email and SMS consent, and average order value. Check out the supported query parameters below and test them out with our latest Postman collection. Note that support for given operators and fields is endpoint-specific. Review the API reference documentation for more information on allowed fields and query operators.

ParameterDescriptionQuery example
filterRetrieve a subset of profiles, e.g., profiles created within a given time frame. Learn about the filter query parameter.GET /api/profiles?filter=equals(email,"sarah.mason@klaviyo-demo.com")

GET /api/profiles?filter=equals(phone_number,"+15005550006")

GET /api/profiles?filter=greater-than(created,"2023-06-05T12:30:00+00:00")
sortSort profiles, e.g., by updated datetime in descending order (newest to oldest). Learn about the sort query parameter.GET /api/profiles?sort=-updated
fieldsRequest for only specified profile data (e.g., emails). Learn more about sparse fieldsets.GET /api/profiles?fields[profile]=email, phone_number
additional-fieldsRequest for fields not returned by default (e.g., subscriptions). Learn about additional fields.GET /api/profiles?additional-fields[profile]=subscriptions

Next steps

Using your Klaviyo test account and Postman, try out the following:

  • Create profiles with Create Profile and Bulk Import Profiles.
  • Use a filter on Get Profiles to retrieve a profile with a given identifier, e.g., email. Use the profile’s ID to update its custom properties with Update Profile.
  • Subscribe profiles to an existing list in your test account.
  • Retrieve subscriptions data from a call to Get Profiles with the additional-fields query parameter.
  • Try out some of the query parameters above to customize your response.


Below are error status codes you may encounter with the Profiles API, including the corresponding reasons for these errors to help you resolve them.

Status codeReasons
400Profile(s) are missing 1 or more required fields.
Profile(s) have an invalid email address or phone number.
The provided list is invalid, e.g., the list ID does not exist in the account.
401Missing auth information. See details on key authentication.
403API key is missing required API scopes. This endpoint requires both profiles:write and lists:write.
409A profile already exists with one of the identifiers provided.
413Request payload size is too large (> 5 MB), see Limitations above.
429Rate limit exceeded.

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