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Supported attributes

Supported attributes

The Query Metric Aggregates API can be filtered and grouped by the following attributes. To learn more about how to use these to report on event data in Klaviyo, check out our Using the Query Metric Aggregates Endpoint guide.

  • "$attributed_channel"
  • "$attributed_flow"
  • "$attributed_message"
  • "$attributed_variation"
  • "$campaign_channel"
  • "$flow"
  • "$flow_channel"
  • "$message"
  • "$message_send_cohort"
  • "$variation"
  • "$variation_send_cohort"
  • "Bot Click"
  • "Bounce Type"
  • "Campaign Name"
  • "Client Canonical"
  • "Client Name"
  • "Client Type"
  • "Email Domain"
  • "Failure Source"
  • "Failure Type"
  • "From Number"
  • "From Phone Region"
  • "Inbox Provider"
  • "List"
  • "Message Name"
  • "Message Type"
  • "Method"
  • "Subject"
  • "To Number"
  • "To Phone Region"
  • "URL"
  • "form_id"

Request body parameters (nested under attributes)

return_fieldsrequest specific fields using sparse fieldsets
sortsort results by a specified field, such as "-timestamp"
page_cursorresults can be paginated with cursor-based pagination
page_sizelimit the number of returned results per page
byoptional attributes used to group by the aggregation function
* When using by attributes, an empty dimensions response is expected when the counts for the events do not have the associated dimension requested by the set by attribute. For example, a query including "by": ["$flow"] will return an empty dimensions response for counts of metrics not associated with a $flow
measurementthe measurement key supports the following values:

- "sum_value": perform a summation of the _Event Value_, optionally partitioned over any dimension provided in the by field
- "count": counts the number of events associated to a metric, optionally partitioned over any dimension provided in the by field
- "unique" counts the number of unique customers associated to a metric, optionally partitioned over any dimension provided in the by field
intervalaggregation interval, such as hour,day,week, and month
metric_idthe metric ID used in the aggregation
filterlist of filters for specific fields, must include time range using ISO 8601 format ("YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmm")

- The time range can be filtered by providing a greater-or-equal filter on the datetime field, such as "greater-or-equal(datetime,2021-07-01T00:00:00)" and a less-than filter on the same datetime field, such as "less-than(datetime,2022-07-01T00:00:00)"
- The time range may span a maximum of one year. Time range dates may be set to a maximum of 5 years prior to the current date
- Filter the list of supported aggregate dimensions using the common filter syntax, such as "equals(URL,\\"https://www.klaviyo.com/\\")"
timezonethe timezone used when processing the query. Case sensitive. This field is validated against a list of common timezones from the IANA Time Zone Database

- While the payload accepts a timezone, the response datetimes returned will be in UTC.