Migration resources
Migration strategy
Learn how to migrate from v1/v2 legacy APIs to Klaviyo's new APIs.
Audit your Klaviyo API usage
Learn how to audit your API endpoint usage, so you can migrate to Klaviyo's newest APIs.
Comparison chart: v1/v2 to new endpoints
Learn about the differences between the v1/v2 legacy APIs and our new APIs.
Best practices for migrating from v1/v2 to new APIs
Learn best practices for migrating to our new APIs with solutions for common use cases.
2023-07-15 Relationships migration
Migrate to the standardized Relationships object released in the 2023-07-15 revision.
Migrate track, identify, and subscribe to our new APIs
Learn about major changes and what corresponding calls to use.
Migration FAQ: v1/v2 API retirement
Find answers to common migration questions.
Hire an agency
Get help from a Certified Klaviyo Agency to migrate your integration.
Updated 3 days ago