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API Reference
These docs are for a deprecated API version. Click here to use the latest version.

Exports event data from Klaviyo, optionally filtering and segmenting on available event properties. Note that the only comparison operator currently supported is =. To ensure a correct response, enter parameters in the curl request as they are ordered below:


For a comprehensive list of native Klaviyo metrics and their associated attributes, see next page

Path Params
Defaults to METRIC_ID
Query Params

Beginning of timeframe to pull event data for. The default value is 1 month ago. Can also accept a 10-digit UNIX timestamp. When sending a start_date, you must also send an end_date

Ex: 1610524800 OR 2021-01-13


End of timeframe to pull event data for. The default is the current day, or 1 month from start_date, whichever is sooner. Can also accept a 10-digit UNIX timestamp. When sending an end_date, you must also send a start_date. Must be at most 31 days after start_date

Ex: 1612080000 OR 2021-01-31

Defaults to day

Granularity to bucket data points into - one of day, week, or month. Defaults to day.

Defaults to count

Type of metric to fetch - one of unique, count, value, or sum. Defaults to count. For sum a property name to operate on must be supplied as a JSON-encoded list like ["sum","ItemCount"]


Optional, JSON-encoded list. Conditions to use to filter the set of events. A max of 1 condition can be given. where and by parameters cannot be specified at the same time.

ex: [["$attributed_flow","=","FLOW_ID"]]


The name of a property to segment the event data on. where and by parameters cannot be specified at the same time. Cannot be used alongside where parameter.

1 to 1000
Defaults to 25

Maximum number of segments to return. Default = 25, MAX = 1000

