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API Reference
These docs are for a deprecated API version. Click here to use the latest version.

Returns global exclusions/unsubscribes. Global exclusions are distinct from list exclusions in that these email addresses will not receive any emails from any list. Typically, when someone unsubscribes from a campaign, they are only unsubscribed from that list and are not globally unsubscribed.

Query Params

Filter results based on the reason for someone being excluded. The possible values are unsubscribed, bounced, invalid_email, reported_spam and manually_excluded. Only a single value may be specified at a time. Defaults to return all profiles regardless of reason.

Defaults to asc

Sort order to apply to results, either ascending or descending. Valid values are asc or desc. Defaults to asc.

Defaults to 500

For pagination, the number of results to return. Default = 500

Defaults to 0

For pagination, which page of results to return. Default = 0

