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API Reference
These docs are for a deprecated API version. Click here to use the latest version.

This endpoint is used to track and update properties about an individual without tracking an associated event. The following data is stored in a JSON object.


token: string
This is your public API key.

properties: JSON Object or null
Properties of the profile to track/update. You must identify the person by their email using a $email key (or by their phone number using a $phone_number key if you have SMS-only contacts). Other than that, you can include any data you want and it can then be used to create segments of people. For example, if you wanted to create a list of people on trial plans, include a person's plan type in this JSON object so you can use that information later.


The Klaviyo CRM has the following special fields you can set for customer properties with the Identify endpoint, to unlock additional functionality:

$email: string
$first_name: string
$last_name: string
$phone_number: string; eg: "+13239169023"
$city: string
$region: string; state, or other region
$country: string
$zip: string
$image: string; url to a photo of a person
$consent: list of strings; eg: ['sms', 'email', 'web', 'directmail', 'mobile']


    "token": "PUBLIC_KEY",
    "properties": {
      "$email": "abraham.lincoln@klaviyo.com",
      "$first_name": "Abraham",
      "$last_name": "Lincoln",
      "$city": "Springfield",
      "$region": "Illinois"


Temporary fix for generated cURL requests on this page

Our engine that we use to generate example cURL requests on this page is currently using --data instead of --data-urlencode

If you experience any difficulties sending cURL requests, changing the data flag will resolve it.

Note: This issue is specific to just cURL requests (all other languages are functioning correctly), and just this page (our Postman Collection and OpenAPI spec, see API Overview, are up-to-date). We are actively working on a fix for this.

Form Data
Defaults to {"token": "PUBLIC_KEY","properties": {"$email":"ben.franklin@klaviyo.com"}}
