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Rate limits, status codes, and errors

Refer to our list of status codes, error responses, rate limits, and ingestion limits for troubleshooting help.

Rate limits

Klaviyo's APIs employ rate limits against bursts of incoming traffic to help maximize its stability. Rate limits for specific endpoints can be found in the API reference for each endpoint.

All new API endpoints are rate limited on a per-account basis, and used a fixed-window rate limiting algorithm with two distinct windows: burst (1-second window) and steady (1-minute window). All API traffic will be subject to these rate limits, and will receive HTTP 429 errors in the event either a burst or steady rate limit is reached.

Unless otherwise documented, all API endpoints use one of the following rate limits:

  • XS: 1/s burst; 15/m steady
  • S: 3/s burst; 60/m steady
  • M: 10/s burst; 150/m steady
  • L: 75/s burst; 700/m steady
  • XL: 350/s burst; 3500/m steady


Rate limiting for OAuth apps differs from our standard API rate limiting for detailed above. OAuth apps receive their own rate limit quota per installed app instance (i.e., per account per app), while private key integrations share the same rate limit quota per account.

All non-rate-limited (i.e., non 429) responses will contain the following HTTP response headers that indicate the state of the steady rate limit window to the client. We recommend using these headers to manage your request rate, especially if you maintain a third-party application that makes requests on behalf of Klaviyo customers:

  • RateLimit–Limit: The number of requests allowed per time period
  • RateLimit-Remaining: The approximate number of requests remaining within a window
  • RateLimit-Reset: Number of seconds remaining before current window resets

Treat these limits as maximums and don’t generate unnecessary load.


Note that the RateLimit-Limit, RateLimit-Remaining, and RateLimit-Reset headers are not returned when you actually hit a HTTP 429 error. When you hit the error, those headers are replaced with a Retry-After header that returns an int indicating the number of seconds before you can start making requests.

Query Param Rate Limits

As part of our recent release raising the rate limits for several endpoints, we have also introduced the concept of a rate limit for requests that include the additional-fields or include parameters in the request. If you're making calls with either of these parameters, we will enforce a stricter rate limit on those requests.

For example: If you're making an HTTP GET request to /api/profiles?additional-fields[profile]=predictive_analytics, your requests will be at a lower rate limit than if you had not requested that information. Similarly, a GET request to /api/profiles/:profile-id:?include=lists will result in a lower rate limit than a call to /api/profiles/:profile-id: without the query parameter.

These changes are enforced at a global level. A request to /api/segments/:segment-id:/profiles?additional-fields[profile]=predictive_analytics will hit the same lower rate limit on profile->additional-fields->predictive_analytics as the call to /api/profiles?additional-fields[profile]=predictive_analytics.

Note that each call now has multiple rate limits that apply. For example, let's assume we have 150 calls per minute on /api/profiles, 50 calls per minute on additional-fields[profile]=predictive_analytics, and 50 calls per minute on /api/profiles/:profile-id:?include=lists. We then make the following API calls:

GET /api/profiles/:profile-id: – here, we use 1 call on the GET Profile endpoint
GET /api/profiles/:profile-id:?include=lists – we use 1 call on the GET Profile endpoint and another call on profile?include=lists
GET /api/profiles/:profile-id:?include=lists&additional-fields[profile]=predictive_analytics – three calls

At the end of these three API calls, we now have:
147 calls remaining on /api/profiles/:profile-id:
48 calls remaining on profiles?include=lists
49 calls remaining on additional-fields[profile]=predictive_analytics

The rate limits on all of these calls reset at the same window. Similar rules apply for burst limits.

Ingestion limits


Global payload limit

We enforce a maximum total payload size of 5 MB (decompressed) for all of our new APIs.

Endpoints with additional limits:

  • /api/events
  • /client/events
  • legacy /api/track

Klaviyo's event tracking endpoints use ingestion limits to prevent processing delays and service interruptions to the event ingestion pipeline. If you are using a Klaviyo webhook, custom integration, or API implementation, it is important to be aware of the limits on the events you send into Klaviyo. The table below provides some guidance on the maximum sizes for your Events payload and its fields.

Max number of event properties per data packet300
Max size of any field100 kB
Max number of items in arrays4000
Max levels of nested objects10
Timestamp of eventsBetween 2000 and “now”+1 year

Response status codes

Our API uses conventional HTTP response status codes to indicate success or failure of an API request. Response status codes typically fall into the following three ranges:

  • 2xx - Success
  • 4xx - Error as a result of information provided as part of the request, such as a requested object that doesn't exist, an invalid setting, etc.
  • 5xx - Error due to server issues or service unavailability.

See the table below for a list of error codes and their corresponding descriptions:

200OKThe request completed successfully.
201CreatedThe request succeeded, and a new resource was created as a result.
202AcceptedThe request has been received but not yet acted upon. We return this status code for requests that were accepted but are processed asynchronously.
204No ContentThe request succeeded, but the API doesn’t provide a response body.
400Bad RequestRequest is missing a required parameter or has an invalid parameter.
401Not AuthorizedRequest is lacking required authentication information.

Please follow the guidance here for more details on authenticating your API requests.
403ForbiddenThe request contains valid authentication information, but does not have permissions to perform the specified action.

See API key scopes for more information.
404Not FoundThe requested resource doesn't exist.
405Method not AllowedThe requested resource doesn't support the provided HTTP method, e.g. DELETE.
409ConflictThe request conflicts with the current state of the server.
410GoneThe requested content has been permanently deleted from Klaviyo’s server. This status code will occur for requested endpoints that no longer exist in our API.
415Unsupported Media TypeThe Content-Type or Content-Encoding header is set incorrectly.
429Rate LimitYou hit the rate limit for this endpoint (different endpoints have different rate limits).
500Server ErrorSomething is wrong with the destination server. This may be on Klaviyo's end.
503Service UnavailableSomething is wrong on Klaviyo’s end leading to service unavailability.

Check Klaviyo’s Status for updates.


We recommend watching for 429 and 503 error codes and building in a retry mechanism. The retry mechanism should follow an exponential backoff schedule to reduce request volume when necessary. Be sure to build in some randomness into the backoff schedule to avoid a thundering herd effect.


A retry should only be attempted after the current rate limit is lifted, i.e., the time (in seconds) indicated by the Retry-After header on a 429 response has expired. Immediate retries will always receive a 429 error.


When a request is unsuccessful, the response will include a list of errors, nested under an errors field in the response. Within the error object, the title field includes developer-facing information about why the request failed.

Here is an example of an error response returned for an invalid request to GET /api/events?fields[profile]=email&include=profiless with an invalid include query parameter provided. There’s a typo there! It should be include=profiles not include=profiless.

{ "errors": [ { "id": "2c76424d-b1ff-4afd-a2a1-728d85dac775", "status": 400, "code": "invalid", "title": "Invalid input.", "detail": "'profiless' is not an allowed include parameter for this resource.", "source": { "parameter": "include" }, "meta": {} } ] }

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