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These docs are for v2022-10-17. Click to read the latest docs for v2025-01-15.


Review new and breaking changes to Klaviyo's APIs and SDKs.

Welcome to the Klaviyo API Changelog! Review new and breaking changes to Klaviyo's APIs and SDKs. Select a revision header from the table of contents on the right to review changes for a specific revision. To view API reference and guides for a specific revision header, select it from the version dropdown in the upper left menu.

Revision 2022-10-17

  • Welcome to our new API changelog! This log will be kept up-to-date on the latest changes, bug fixes, and breaking changes to Klaviyo's APIs. Please note that this changelog only includes changes to new APIs released after 10/19/2022.
  • For further information about revisions and breaking changes, please review the API versioning & deprecation policy.
  • Kickstart your migration to Klaviyo's new APIs with the API comparison chart, a detailed overview of what's changed from the v1/v2 endpoints to the new endpoints.

Update 2023-01-20

  • The list_id attribute for the Unsubscribe Profiles endpoint is now an optional attribute instead of a required.

Update 2023-01-11

  • The Create Profile and Update Profile endpoints now accept a phone number as an identifier even if SMS is not set up in the associated Klaviyo account. A successful call requires one other profile identifier attribute (email, external_id, or anonymous_id), in addition to a phone number.

Update 2022-12-19

  • The reference documentation and OpenAPI Spec (OAS) for the Create Template Render and Create Template Clone endpoints have been updated to reflect the correct required fields. This update resolves a minor bug in our documentation where a required field needed to call the endpoints successfully was missing. No changes have been made to these endpoints.

Update 2022-11-02


Breaking change

  • Removed the updated filter parameter from the Get Profiles endpoint. This filter parameter was not intended for GA release and is not officially supported.
  • This change takes effect immediately due to site reliability concerns. Please refer to the breaking change policy for more information.